Saturday 25 March and Sunday 26 March, 2017
With Morag Gamble
Introduction to Permaculture is a wonderful weekend immersion in permaculture. Explore the basics of permaculture principles, design and action. Gather great ideas for designing your permaculture oasis. Learn simple and useful skills that will really help you to create an abundant permaculture garden at home, in your street, at school or in your community. Come and get your hands in the earth and learn by doing.
The topics covered in the Introduction to Permaculture weekend are:
- What is Permaculture
- Permaculture Ethics and Design Principles
- Permaculture for Urban and Suburban areas
- Garden planning with Permaculture Zones and Sectors
- Designing your permaculture system
- Permaculture in the home
- Building the soil fertility naturally
- Creating a no-dig garden
- Establishing a low-maintenance permaculture garden
- How to create abundance in your edible garden
- Propagating herbs, perennials and subtropical plants
- Introduction to seed saving
- Creating an urban food forest
- Permaculture in the community
Cost: $200 / $170 (Healthcare Card holder) + Booking Fee.