The NSCF Earth Kids school holiday program is a 3-day program that supports children to become ‘nature smart’ – to have the knowledge, understandings and skills to engage in creating a more sustainable world – in a fun and interactive way.
We also offer a homeschool program during the Term. Please see here for more information.
“The future belongs to the nature smart” – Richard Louv, author of ‘Last Child in the Woods’
Tuesday to Thursday: 14-16 January.
Tuesday to Thursday: 8-10 April.
Tuesday to Thursday: 1-3 July.
Wednesday to Friday: 1-3 October.
NSCF Earth Kids programs are about supporting children to become ‘nature smart’ – to have the knowledge, understanding and skills to engage in creating a more sustainable world – in a fun and interactive way.
It is an experiential program of outdoor discovery, in which children learn about the animals and plants at the Farm through observation and supported questioning; explore First Nations knowledge with guest presenters; experiment with Ecoarts and bushcraft skills; and put permaculture into practice. The program aims to support children to develop a love of place and the animals and plants that live in this bioregion.
Each program differs according to the seasons and includes a diversity of activities. Some of the activities are:
The school holiday program is for children aged 6 to 12 years and runs from 9am to 3pm each day (drop off from 8.30am and pick up until 3.15pm).
We also offer a homeschool program during the Term. Please click here for more information.
A limited number of part-scholarship places are available for First Nations peoples, Health Care Card holders, and Parents volunteering during the program.
Contact Cristyan at if you are interested in either of these options.
Once payment has been received, and in order to complete your child’s registration, parents are required to:
1. Fill out the online enrolment form here.
2. Read through the parents’ handbook (below);
3. Sign and return the permissions form (below).
Earth Kids Parents and Guardians Handbook
NSCF Earth Kids permissions form
We look forward to inspiring your children to connect with and care for the Earth!
For enquiries please email the youth education coordinator at
Register your interest in volunteering in our youth education programs by filling out this form. The youth education coordinator will contact you.
Note that some volunteers are required to have a valid Blue Card and attend an induction before the start of the program. Kids with parents volunteering are eligible for a discounted price (conditions apply).
For enquiries, please contact the youth education coordinator at
“This generation will require leaders and citizens who can think ecologically, understand the interconnectedness of human and natural systems, and have the will, ability, and courage to act.” – Michael K. Stone