We are a non-profit organisation, with most of our income created by our social enterprises and education program. We receive occasional grants for improving our infrastructure. However, we need the income from donations to expand our environmental work and education program.
Donating to Northey Street City Farm will help us to promote sustainable living in the city. We are also calling for donations to help cover the costs of scholarships for First Nations people to attend our Introduction to Permaculture and Permaculture Design Courses. If you want your donation to go towards funding these scholarships, please email finance@nscf.org.au once you have made your donation.
Your donation will ensure that we continue to create a welcoming and informative environment for the thousands of visitors to the Farm each year. You have our sincerest thanks.
Your donation will allow us to make improvements like:
- Hiring bushcraft specialists and First Nations people to present sessions on Earth Kids programs.
- Provide scholarships to First Nations participants in our Permaculture courses.
- Trialling climate change adaptation methods.
- Creating a Nature Play area to complement the Earth Arts and other kids activities on site.
- Continuing our bush regeneration work along Breakfast Creek.
All donations over $2 to Northey Street City Farm’s Environment Fund are tax-deductible. The Environment Fund is set aside for activities which enhance the environment and is separate from our operating costs. Every dollar donated will be used to Care for the Earth, Care for People and Inspire Learning.
Queensland residents can give a one-off donation, or a regular donation, to us through the GiveNow secure online donation facility. Donate here
Ways to Donate:
- Online through GiveNow secure online donation facility. Please note: due to fundraising legislation we can only accept donations from Queensland residents. Donate Online Here
- Paypal
- By Direct Debit to Northey Street City Farm BSB 313 140 ACCOUNT 12045954
- Phone us on +61 (0)7 38578775 during office hours and donate using your credit card.
- Donate in person at our City Farm Nursery, open Tuesday to Saturday from 8.30am – 12.30pm and Sunday from 6.30am – 12.30pm.
- Mail your donation to NSCF: 16 Victoria St, Windsor, Brisbane, Qld 4030 with either your card details or a cheque made out to ‘Northey Street City Farm Inc.’