Earth Kids Homeschool Program

Earth Kids is an experiential program of outdoor discovery, in which children learn about the animals and plants at the Farm; put permaculture into practice; experiment with eco-arts and bushcraft skills; and learn from guest presenters. The program aims to support children to develop a love of place and of the animals and plants that live in this bioregion.

The program is for children aged 6 to 12 years and runs weekly from 9.30am to 12.30pm for 6 mornings each term (drop off from 9.15am and pick up until 12.45pm). Parents are welcome to stay. Volunteer places for parents (with discounted tickets for their children) are available.

We also offer a holiday program each school holidays. Please see here for more information.

Earth Kids Homeschool Dates 2025

Term 1

Wednesday mornings – 12 February to 19 March.

Term 2

Wednesday mornings – 7 May to 11 June.

Term 3

Wednesday mornings – 23 July to 3 September (EKKA break on 13 August).

Term 4

Wednesday mornings – 22 October to 26 November.            

About our Earth Kids Homeschool Program

Northey Street City Farm is a wonderful learning site for children with its many shady trees, orchards, vegetable gardens, and a bush regeneration area along Enoggera Creek. The program takes a place-responsive educational approach and the sessions involve play, exploration, discovery, and learning. Activities are adapted to suit different ages and abilities.

Each session involves learning from the natural world – learning directly from this place, and the animals and plants that live here. We especially focus on the interconnections between plants, animals, the creek, the rocks, the soil and all the other parts of this place. Children have the opportunity to plant trees and other plants and then tend to them throughout the year. Children see the changes to place through the seasons, harvesting, preparing and eating seasonal produce from our vegetable gardens and fruit trees.

Attending the Earth Kids homeschool program also has many other benefits for children, including improving motor, social and self-regulating skills; building self-confidence and resilience; and learning to take reasonable risks in a safe environment.

The nature connection work of Jon Young, co-author of ‘Coyotes Guide to Connecting with Nature’, is a significant inspiration for the program. We practice ‘routines of nature connection’ like nature journaling, wandering, magic spots and more. We play games that are fun, and which also support sensory awareness and learning in nature. We also practice bushcraft skills such as shelter building, whittling, and building and tending campfires.

Each term is different, with a plant or animal theme, as well as a different element that we explore. We have a different guest presenter join us each term, covering topics such as First Nations culture and knowledge, nature journaling, bush regeneration and animal and flora found in the bioregion.

Every term each child chooses a ‘nature name’ which is a plant or animal that can be found at the farm. We use the nature names throughout the program to enable the children to build a connection with their plant or animal, as well as learn about the other children’s nature names.

We acknowledge that we learn and play on Yuggera and Turrbul land and that sovereignty has never been ceded. We know First Nations people have and continue to care for this Country and aim to learn how we can best do this too.

The program for each term is available by request. Contact Cristyan at for a copy.

We also offer a holiday program each school holidays. Please click here for more information.

Completing Registration

Once payment has been received, and in order to complete your child’s registration, parents are required to:

1. Fill out the online enrolment form here.

2. Read through the parents’ handbook (below);

3. Sign and return the permissions form (below).

Earth Kids Parents and Guardians Handbook

NSCF Earth Kids permissions form

We look forward to inspiring your children to connect with and care for the Earth!

For enquiries please email the youth education coordinator at

Volunteering on the Earth Kids Program

Register your interest in volunteering in our youth education programs by filling out this form. The youth education coordinator will contact you.

Note that some volunteers are required to have a valid Blue Card and attend an induction before the start of the program. Kids with parents volunteering are eligible for a discounted price (conditions apply).

For enquiries, please contact the youth education coordinator at


“Earth Kids is an amazing place! You can make friends very easily. It’s very fun and I like doing the activities”
Age 12
“I love it! I love climbing the trees. I love how Bruce came over and let us taste bush tukka, it was really yum. I love my nature name”
Age 7
“I liked building the shelter and doing games. I also liked gardening and I learned a lot about trees”
Age 8
“I learn a lot about caring for Earth and nature”
Age 6
“It’s like building connection to land within a city surrounds – this connection is so important for all of us”
Volunteer Parent
“It’s awesome and very, very fun”
Age 9
“We were lucky to come across the Homeschool Earth Kids program after a post on Facebook. Little did we know what an important part of our life the Northey Street City Farm would be for us. We found Earth Kids to be a welcoming safe place to make new friendships. Connecting with nature and our body also helped us to stay grounded throughout a big transition. I have been volunteering for 3 terms and have learnt a lot. Each week my girls and l look forward to the session and new adventures. We are more in tune with nature and have learnt to appreciate all native trees and animals we used to ignore or did not know much about. All the games, art, crafts, and gardening activities are very educational. Each term an expert is invited to give a very interesting talk and every week Emma also suggests more activities for additional learning at home. Earth Kids is a very relaxing space to connect with beautiful people in a little green oasis next to the city. Thanks again to the amazing teachers for having us.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Parents can opt to drop off or to stay for the sessions. We recommend that parents attend some of the sessions if they are able, to get a sense of what the children are learning.

The program links to the curriculum in a myriad of ways, not only for Science, but also English, Mathematics, the Arts and more. Each session, we suggest some home activities to build on the content and themes of the Earth Kids sessions.

We also provide parents with a shared folder with resources related to the topics we are learning each week.

Each term has a different theme, so the overall focus is different. In addition, while some activities are similar each term, many are different (or have a different focus), some involving guest presenters that relate to our theme.

Children also have the opportunity to observe and learn about seasonal changes at the farm – like different plants flowering, fruiting, and seeding; migratory birds arriving for the Summer; and other animals being present at different times of the year. Children can also taste the different fruits and vegetables grown at the farm according to the season and tend to plants that they planted earlier in the year.

We generally go ahead with sessions on rainy days. In light rain we get out and about in it! In downpours we take shelter and in prolonged rain, we run sessions suited to being undercover.

If we have to cancel a session for any reason, credit will be applied for another session or a refund for that day can be made.

On hot days, we stay in the shade (our site has a lot of shady trees), and ensure the children drink plenty of water. Our City Farm is often cooler than surrounding areas due to all the shady trees and proximity to Enoggera Creek. Occasionally we might even put a sprinkler on for the kids to play in!

On very hot days (over 35 degrees) we cancel the session and provide a refund or credit for the session.

For any other questions, please contact the Youth Education Coordinator at

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