DAG Activities in 2020
- We held fire-side discussions about decolonisation, white privilege and other related issues.
- Emily McConochie, who was our First Nations Engagement Co-ordinator, ran a public workshop on ‘Remembering our Radical Roots’ in the lead-up to Invasion Day.
- We held a First Nations themed Night Market, with performances from Ethan Enoch, Balairi and a native foods workshop.
- We provided discounted places for teachers from the Murri School to attend our School Gardening workshop.
- We provided a free tour for year 5 students from the Murri School.
- We held meetings with our First Nations Advisory Group (FNAG) and give thanks to our FNAG members for 2020 – Michael Williams, Odette Best, Derek Sandy – for their wisdom and guidance to the farm in our First Nations engagement and decolonising work at the farm.
- We took steps towards ‘decolonising’ our DAG meetings by holding them around the fire.
- We decided to offer half price discounts for First Nations people to attend our Introduction to Permaculture weekend workshop.
- We had First Nations performers at our Summer Solstice event.
DAG Activities in 2019
- We met quarterly with our First Nations Advisory Group who provided the Decolonisation Action Group with guidance on our work.
- We hosted a forum for the Yolgnu Nations Aboriginal Corporation.
- We held two evening events for the public: Libby Connors discussing her book ‘Warrior’ about the resistance warrior Dundali; and Ray Kerkhove discussing his book ‘Aboriginal Campsites of Greater Brisbane’.
- We provided the Murri School with a free tour for the year five students and a discounted tour for the prep students.
- Our Permaculture Design Course students did their garden designs at the Murri School.
- Our first Permaculture Design Course part-scholarship for a First Nations person was taken up.
- A group from NSCF attended the Myall Creek Massacre commemoration, and reported back to the wider farm community at a presentation.
- We held a forum at our Winter Solstice Festival on ‘Decolonising the Diet’ with 2 members of our First Nations Advisory Group.
- We secured a grant to employ a First Nations Engagement Coordinator for 5 months to develop some pilot programs and build relationships with First Nations community members and organisations.
- A session on ‘Decolonisation 101’ was run by our First Nations Engagement Coordinator for the NSCF community.
- We held a forum at our Winter Solstice Festival on ‘Decolonising the Diet’ with 2 members of our First Nations Advisory Group.
- We secured a grant to employ a First Nations Engagement Coordinator for 5 months to develop some pilot programs and build relationships with First Nations community members and organisations.
- A session on ‘Decolonisation 101’ was run by our First Nations Engagement Coordinator for the NSCF community.
DAG Activities in 2018
- We created a new Education Discounts policy which includes providing a half price place for First Nations people in each of our Permaculture Design Courses.
- A public screening of the film Stingray Sisters was held to mark NAIDOC week.
- We participated in the Family Fun Day at Musgrave Park during NAIDOC Week.
- A series of 4 cultural awareness workshops for staff & volunteers was facilitated by Michael Williams.
- First Nations information and storytelling was included in the Earth Kids program.
- NSCF First Nations Advisory Group was formed.
DAG Activities in 2017
- A screening of the film ‘Putuparri and the Rainmakers’ for staff and volunteers.
- Thursday talks by Michael Williams exploring First Nations culture, knowledge & perspectives.
- In May, a group trip to Cherbourg to visit the Ration Shed Museum was followed by a camp at the Bunya Mountains.
- An Aboriginal Flag raising ceremony was held during Reconciliation Week to celebrate 50 years since the 1967 Referendum.
- A Decolonisation Action Plan for NSCF was developed.
- A Harmony Day dinner celebrating all the cultures at the farm was held